Foot Problems

Foot Problems

Corns/callus/cracked heels

These are hardened areas of skin that can become painful. They are caused due to excessive pressure and friction on the skin as it attempts to protect itself. Corns are usually more localised and press into the deeper layers of the skin and often feel like ‘walking on stones‘. Both corns and callus are often caused by the way we walk and poor foot mechanics, being aggravated by improper footwear.

Treatment will involve removing the callus or corn relatively painlessly and advising you on footwear, insoles and padding to help prevent re-occurrence.

After your treatment at the Elmcourt Clinic, your feet will feel liberated, relieved and pain-free.


Verrucas are caused by a virus (human papilloma virus ) often transmitted by an infected individual at swimming pools or communal changing rooms . They come in all different shapes and sizes some are small and asymptomatic others are much larger and painful . 

There is not one definitive cure for verrucas and as they are a virus most will resolve of their own accord as the body’s immune system reacts to them .

However, some verrucas can grow very large and others can spread causing much discomfort. Treatments will involve the applications of chemicals and cryo (freezing) which are self limiting, the main aim being to trigger the bodies natural defence mechanisms to attack the verruca.


Verrucas are caused by a virus (Human Papilloma Virus) which is often transmitted by an infected individual at swimming pools or communal changing rooms. They come in all different shapes and sizes - some are small and asymptomatic, others are much larger and painful. 

There is not one definitive cure for verrucas and, as they are caused by a virus, most will resolve of their own accord as the body’s immune system reacts to them.

However, some verrucas can grow very large and others can spread causing much discomfort. Treatments will involve the applications of chemicals and cryo (freezing), which are self limiting, the main aim being to trigger the body's natural defence mechanisms to attack the verruca.

Ingrowing toenails

This occurs when a portion of a nail pierces the flesh causing inflammation and infection around the sides of the nail, often discharging pus and fluid and forming enlarged tissue around the nail (hypergranulation tissue).

This painful condition can be treated by skilfully removing the offending nail spike. Reoccurring ingrowing toenails can be treated here at the clinic with nail surgery - a simple, straightforward procedure performed with a local anaesthetic to correct the nail, resolving the problem permanently. 

We are confident this is a permanent, long-term solution to the agony of an ingrowing toenail. If for any reason, there is recurrence of symptoms or any regrowth, the procedure and all the post-operative redressings will be carried out again, completely free of charge.

Thickened toenails

These can occur as a result of damage or trauma , fungal infected toenails are often thick, crumbly and difficult to cut . At the clinic thick toenails are thinned down painlessly making them more comfortable and
cosmetically pleasing.

Thickened toenails

These can occur as a result of damage or trauma. Fungal infected toenails are often thick, crumbly and difficult to cut. At the clinic, thick toenails are thinned down painlessly making them more comfortable and cosmetically pleasing.

The Diabetic Foot

Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 can cause serious problems with the foot. Its blood supply, nerves and structure can all be affected and severely impaired. This can result in an inability to fight infection, poor wound healing and nerve damage. These changes can occur gradually - the sufferer unaware of what is happening - and can lead to ulceration and, in worse cases, gangrene and amputation.

It is important that you visit your podiatrist for annual diabetic foot checks to monitor the vascular and neurological status and to help prevent such serious complications from occurring. Here at the Elmcourt Clinic, a full diabetic assessment is carried out, a copy of which is sent to your G.P.


None of us are entirely symmetrical, malalignment of the bones of the foot and lower limb can lead to the body having to compensate for these discrepancies. This imbalance puts untold stress and strain on joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments resulting in pathologies like plantar fasciitis, arch pain, corn and callus formation, bunions, toe deformities, leg and ankle imbalance and lower back pain.

A biomechanical assessment involves an examination of the feet in both weight bearing and non weight bearing situations and various joint and muscle test measurements. This gives us an idea how the abnormal mechanical stresses are affecting the foot and the lower limb , orthoses can then be provided.

This is a special insert which is worn in the shoe , it corrects and modifies foot function . They are crafted to individual specifications and are designed to treat many biomechanical pathologies


None of us are entirely symmetrical. Malalignment of the bones of the foot and lower limb can lead to the body having to compensate for these discrepancies. This imbalance puts untold stress and strain on joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments, resulting in pathologies like plantar fasciitis, arch pain, corn and callus formation, bunions, toe deformities, leg and ankle imbalance and lower back pain.

A biomechanical assessment involves an examination of the feet in both weight bearing and non-weight bearing situations and various joint and muscle test measurements. This gives us an idea on how the abnormal mechanical stresses are affecting the foot and the lower limb and if an orthosis needs to be provided.

An orthosis is a special insert which is worn in the shoe to correct and modify foot function. Orthoses are crafted to individual specifications and are designed to treat many biomechanical pathologies.
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